Interior decoration affects our mood more than we think, when we think about the design process, we think about aesthetics and functionality but, somewhere lies the psychology of decoration. The senses are affected by interior design features such as lighting, natural and unnatural materials, colors and texture and even living elements. These factors have the ability to influence how people feel. We can sense whether a place is warm, safe, comfortable, and stimulates social interactions or cold, harsh, unattractive, and drains energy if you stay there too long.

Decoration and colors affect mood and behavior

With a large portion of our lives spent indoors, the homes we choose have a huge impact on our moods, feelings and behaviour.

Our spaces shouldn't just look good, they should make us feel good.

The effect of interior decoration on our mood and behavior:

-Color effect:

Entrance to a house decorated with elegant colors and welcoming lighting

It's no secret that colors affect our mood. The emotional impact of color is well known in marketing. Color psychology in interior decoration affects us every time we enter a new space, whether we are aware of it or not.

For example, fast food chains such as McDonald's and Burger King use red and yellow in their logos and stores, because it has been proven that the combination of red and yellow makes people feel hungry.

Cool colors like teal and turquoise are most noticeable during the winter months, when the tones are whiter, lower in saturation and brighter. Lighter colors like blush, light gray, and cyan are more restful and calming, while deeply saturated colors appear ambiguous and can lead to more active emotions. Color shades have varying effects on emotions, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Here are some 10 different colors with different psychological effects that interior designers generally agree on.

1-The color red expresses energy, strength and love:

Red brings heat to a space. It can be strong, aggressive, high energy, angry and even cause for anxiety. Too much red causes anger. But used in moderation, it makes you feel warm and welcoming.

2-Orange is associated with creativity and youth:

In workplace interior design, an orange wall in a conference room stimulates conversation, while in a gym, orange may help clients stay on the treadmill for a few more minutes.

3-Yellow is often associated with sunshine and happiness:

The only warm color associated with happiness, creativity, energy and fun, it is believed to generate positive energy. Pastel yellow is popular in children's bedrooms and nurseries. While bright yellow may seem like a bold color to use in interior design, as a neutral, it is becoming more popular.

4-Green is the color of nature:

Green gives a sense of calm and serenity, if not overdone, as it is associated with nature and harmony, and may also indicate positivity and luck.

It is believed to evoke a feeling of stability. An easy way to bring green into your home is through houseplants, but that doesn't stop you from enjoying a soothing emerald sofa or rug.

5-The color blue represents the sky and the sea:

For this reason it helps to create a more calm atmosphere in the psychology of interior design. The color blue is associated with nature and blue spaces such as the ocean and sky, which evokes feelings of serenity, calm and freshness, but can also lead to sadness.

Dark tones are very popular now in kitchens and bathrooms, and in contrast to red, blue is thought to lower blood pressure, making people feel calmer.

6-The color purple has royal connotations:

Purple in home decor enhances the luxury and sophisticated appearance

By combining shades of blue and red, purple makes you feel sophistication and elegance, so it is closely linked to luxury. Calm shades of it, such as lavender, are soft and feminine, while dark shades may lead to arrogance and frustration.

Although it evokes feelings of luxury, it often appears in bohemian-style décor, as it expresses mystery and creativity.

7-White symbolizes purity and brightness:

The white color and natural lighting make the bedrooms a relaxing haven

White is a popular neutral color that adds brightness to any space and effortlessly reflects purity, cleanliness and innocence.

While all-white decor was once popular, designers are now choosing to accent white rooms with metallic or bold colors. When used in moderation, perhaps combined with wood flooring, white furniture can make a room appear bright and more open.

8-Black is guaranteed mystery and elegance:

Black is not a cheerful color as it is most often associated with death and mystery, but it can also induce feelings of sophistication and add dramatic effects to a space.

It can be a frustrating color choice for interior decor, but dark-colored walls are more popular than ever. If treated with moderation, the color becomes darkerd a surprisingly elegant choice. Many designers choose to paint kitchens black, while brightening the space with white cabinets.

9- Gray is neutral and flexible:

Seamless on-the-go living space design

Gray balances out colors but is usually associated with being cold and unwelcoming. It may seem very boring, but in bathrooms or kitchens, it becomes soothing. Just make sure to balance it with other neutral colors to avoid feeling suffocated.

10-Brown is a natural, neutral color:

Brown in home decor brings elegance and warmth

Wood represents strength, stability, comfort and warmth but can sometimes be dull and unimaginative.

It goes well with green, blue and grey. It looks best on wood floors or furniture, be careful not to use it in excess as it may give a slightly old look.

-Vacuum effect:

Living room design reflects positive energy

Clutter makes us anxious. Try ignoring the dishes piled up in the sink, or the pile of laundry that still needs to be folded, and you will see, it will not be an easy task. When it comes to the psychology of interior design, less is more, but of course, in moderation. If you have too much unused space, it can create feelings of loneliness. Even in minimalist interior design styles, simplicity does not necessarily mean empty but rather choosing simpler designs, avoiding loud prints, and sticking to a limited color palette.

Wood and straw in bathroom decor are a great addition

Getting a healthy dose of sunlight is a mood booster, promoting positive thoughts, creativity, productivity, better sleep and many other benefits overall. Sunlight also has many proven mental health benefits such as relieving depression and anxiety. You may also feel a noticeable change in mood when the day is sunny compared to overcast skies and rain.

Here are some examples of how different lighting affects the human mind:

1-Bright light increases feelings, whether positive or negative.

Colors that bring a smile to home entrances

2- Exposure to natural light increases serotonin levels in the brain and enhances mood and happiness levels.

3-Exposure to natural light for a longer period reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

4-The dim light creates a calm, romantic atmosphere.

Consider placing windows where more light will shine, and if you do not want to dim the sunlight, use transparent curtains.

You should also consider where people will spend the most time in the room when placing furniture, for example, if people are likely to sit on sofas in the living room, place it near a window so you can take advantage of the naturalness as much as possible.

Comfortable corridor design

As for artificial light, warm colors are soothing, while bright LED and fluorescent lights make you feel strange or exciting.

-The impact of your choice of art:

Wall paintings for a private living room

Designing the space in your home tells others about your personality. Choosing artwork for a space says something about you and has the ability to influence mood and behavior. Every human being expresses it in different ways and forms, just as a painting is interpreted and felt differently by every person.

Viewing art has positive psychological effects such as reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. Humans are attracted to beauty, even if these artistic expressions vary depending on culture, time, age, or beliefs.

If you have an empty wall at home, hang artwork. If there's a console table that's kind of empty, liven it up with a small sculpture. But always remember.. Art is a personal matter, so choose what makes you happy.

-Feng Shui Effects:

Entrance to a house decorated with elegant colors and welcoming lighting

In today's modern world, it can be difficult to fully follow Feng Shui however, there are still simple touches you can incorporate into your home.

Feng Shui practitioners believe that the optimal placement of objects or furniture invokes positive energy, leading to wealth, better relationships, happiness, luck, and more. When it comes to the psychology of interior design, some Feng Shui principles are highly applicable, whether you are an expert in the practice or not. Here are some of them:

1-Rearrange your furniture to ensure smooth and easy movement in the house that allows you to see the corridors and entrances. But in bedrooms, make sure that the bed is not placed too far from the door and certainly not facing it. Although you don't need to stare directly at the door, it's nice to be able to see where you enter and leave.

2-Direct the gaze vertically. By focusing on RThe room is wider, it will make you feel more spacious and welcome.

3- Reducing clutter by getting into the habit of tidying up periodically, putting the dishes aside, and making the bed, will bring more positive energy and peace into the home.

The most important step to welcoming a positive atmosphere is to ensure that nothing obstructs it. A clean, clear space leads to a clearer, unobstructed view.

4-Humans have this innate connection with nature, just as we feel the need to find time to relax and enjoy nature. Research continually shows the positive effects of spending time outdoors. You can bring the soothing and restorative effects of nature into your home through sunlight, plants, water features, etc.

Caring for another living being in your home is considered good feng shui, and plants even help clean the air, as they emit oxygen and natural scents.

5-Keep the entrance clean and attractive. You do not want to feel cramped when you enter the house for the first time.

6- Add some vitality through sunlight and natural elements to your decor such as plants, flowers, stone and wood.

-Unique personality effect:

An artistic painting gives the home a personal character

What makes interior decorating exciting is that no two projects are alike. When it comes to homes, the owner's personality should have an influence and presence on the decor. While lighting, colors, and other factors play a role in the psychology of interior design, the most effective way is to create a space that feels comfortable and likeable to the owner.

When you come home after a long day at work, you want the space to feel like your own. While one homeowner may feel comfortable surrounded by contemporary art, another may prefer a vintage style.

The journey toward achieving a space that positively impacts your mood, mind, and behavior regardless of the circumstances or season may not always be straightforward. Most of the time, you will have to undergo a few rounds of trial and error. You may encounter frustrating situations that make you feel stuck. Use the information we have provided you to get out of the impasse with satisfactory results.